January 19, 2024

Stay aware of scams

This month we’ve posted new year’s resolutions for securing connections, devices, and UW NetID credentials to stay Cyber Smart in 2024. This week’s focus is on an ever-present threat: Scams.

Resolution #4: Stay aware of scams

Job, loan, and gift card scams have been prevalent at UW for the past few years, but there are many other types of scams targeting the UW community. Scams are constantly being adapted to trick students, faculty, and staff to part with their money, personally identifiable information, financial information, login credentials, or all of the above.

Read more about scams, how to recognize them, and what to do about them on our scams web page, and also visit the following  resources:

Cybercrime Support Network and Google: Scam Spotter

OIS post: Students, beware job & loan scams

Gift Card Scam infographic

OIS online training: Student Scams

Next week: Learn to recognize phishing