July 7, 2023

Be Cyber Smart: a summer series

illustration of a laptop and the sunEvery October, the National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCA) teams up with the Cybersecurity Infrastructure & Security Agency (CISA) to promote National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). This year, all the summer sun and iced coffees have inspired us to start preparing for NCSAM in July because it’s never too early to be Cyber Smart.

Throughout the next few months we’ll post weekly tips for securing data, devices, and networks to keep you informed of risks, threats, and mitigations and help you prepare for a successful academic year.

This week’s tip: Update and Patch

Software updates keep operating systems, computers, devices, browsers, and applications running smoothly and they also address vulnerabilities in the underlying code. The longer you go without updating, the more vulnerable your devices are to threats, such as malware attacks.

Learn more about keeping software and systems updated and patch in our risk advisory, and read more about NCSAM by visiting the links in the resources section below.

Go to advisory


CISA: Be Cyber Smart

NCA: Cybersecurity Awareness Month

NCA: Stay Safe Online