Glossary Working Remotely

APS 2.4

UW Administrative Policy Statement, “Information Security and Privacy: Roles, Responsibilities, and Definitions,” which defines three types of data: Public, Restricted, Confidential

APS 55.1

UW Administrative Policy Statement, “Mobile Device Use and Allowance Policy,” which governs the use of, and payment for, mobile device technologies (such as smart phones and tablets) required for business purposes by the University of Washington (UW).


A Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) used to confirm a user’s identity, adding an additional layer of protection in addition of your password


Free, secure, encrypted Wi-Fi service used throughout many institutions


A type of malware that acts as a “Swiss Army Knife,” offering a wide variety of attackers a number of methods of infecting devices and networks. It is frequently used to carry out mass malicious email campaigns as well as highly targeted attacks.

Emotet report


Process of encoding data or communications by using algorithm to transform information from a readable form (plain text) into a unreadable form, or ciphertext

Husky OnNet

A virtual private network or VPN service used by UW students, faculty, and staff to connect to University resources and information systems from home and remote locations


Infographics by the Office of Information Security.


A password manager that creates, stores, and allows you to access your list of complex passwords as you need them


Short for malicious software, it is a program or code that is used to disrupt a computer’s normal function

Phishing Emails

Emails that are designed to trick users into surrendering their login credentials and other personal data on phony web pages


Malware that can lock up your devices and data until you pay money to cyberthieves


Antivirus software (free to the UW community) that is vital to mitigate the risk of malware infections on University computers as well as your own personal computer

WPA 2 / WPA 3

Wi-Fi Protected Access protocol to secure wireless networks. WPA 2 is a protocol developed in 2004 and announced for 2018, WPA3 is the next generation protocol and increases the level of security.